Interview – Denis (A Dark Reborn)

Let’s join guitarist Denis from A Dark Reborn somewhere out in space to talk about their new album Last Echo, his passion for heavy music, and much more in this futuristic interview to The Headbanging Moose.

Denis (A Dark Reborn)

The Headbanging Moose: Hello from Canada! How are you doing? Thanks for your time for this interview. Let’s start with an intro to the band for the ones who know nothing about A Dark Reborn, how about that? Could you please let us know more about the band, when you started, and any other details worth mentioning?

Denis: Hello, nice to meet you! I’m Denis, rhythm guitar of the band. First of all, thank you for your interest and desire to get to know us, it is a pleasure that you want to get to know us from so far away!! So I’ll tell you a little about us. The band began to weave Lur around 2019, perhaps a little before, preparing things at home, while looking for people to accompany them in this madness. First Ivan (the bassist) appeared, shortly after Thomas (lead guitar) came in and later I, Denis came in as rhythm guitar along with the first drummer. However, there have been a couple of drummer changes, until today’s definitive lineup, with Saül becoming part of this family. We are a band with a good mix of influences that range from the most extreme metal, prog, hardcore,… through the classics and I could even say that some connotations of pop, blues,…

THM: Now let’s talk about your brand new album Last Echo and the concept behind it. You mentioned that the album is “about a space trip to a new life”. Can you tell us more about that? And what are the main differences from your 2022 album The Light?

Denis: Well, I’ll start with the differences between My Light and Last Echo. Mainly, the first album was a download of ideas, sensations, thoughts, influences… we reached a very beautiful symbiosis as a band and we were able to mix everything in a way that worked very well, in our opinion. The Last Echo album, as you say, is a journey escaping an apocalypse or whatever you want to call it. We are the last habitants of the earth, and we go out in search of a new home, and this album explains a little how we feel about each other, internal, personal conflicts, between us, while we arrive at the destination… or not, hahahaha

THM: You also had a few words about the futuristic artwork by renowned artist Gustavo Sazes, saying that “it reflects that new world to discover, decadent, desolate and dark, but still harbors hope.” How easy was it to work with such great artist, and how long did it take for you to reach the final artwork?

Denis: Well, the truth is that it was relatively easy to reach the final work. By making this album in a block of three parts and each of them with a different cover, it was easy to evolve each part until reaching the last one. We also knew that Sazes likes this type of theme, so it was quite easy to share ideas and understand each other.

THM: What were the biggest challenges faced by the band during the recordings of Last Echo? Is there anything that is not exactly like you planned in the final version of the album?

Denis: To tell the truth, the biggest challenge in recording this album was the time we had. We all know that record labels give you release dates and things like that, and perhaps that was the biggest challenge. It should be said that every time we go to the studio with Raúl Abellán, he always gives us a little twist to always look for a little more of ourselves and help us evolve both as musicians and as people. But yes, the biggest handicap was combining time together with wanting to make a concept album of this type. If I’m honest, I think we wouldn’t change anything on the album, since if we changed something, it wouldn’t be the same, no matter how little difference there was, it would be something else, and the truth is we are very proud of how it turned out.

Album Review – A Dark Reborn / Last Echo (2023)

THM: What would be favorite songs from Last Echo? You can’t say you love them all because I already know that, but if you had to choose maybe two or three songs that truly represent the band in the album, which ones would you pick?

Denis: Hahaha good question! Well, look, one of them is definitely Last Echo, for me it is a song that I listen to today in my headphones, in the car… and I can’t quite believe that we are the ones who played that song, it seems like any other song to me, another international band or I don’t know, hahahaha. Another one that I really like to play live is The Flight, I think it has a lot of strength, and it retains that part with evolved prog atmospheres from the first album and to finish with a third I would say Delirium, it has that tapping part that takes me to I don’t know where, for my rhythmic music it’s really fun to play.

THM: I saw that you just played in the beginning of November on the first edition of Bloody Fest in Spain, and that you have another bunch of live concerts scheduled between January and May all over Spain. How excited are you for those shows, and can we expect to see A Dark Reborn playing outside of Spain, maybe for example at some European festivals during the summer next year (or even here in Canada)?

Denis: Indeed, the first presentation concert of Last Echo was at Bloody Fest, and the truth is that it was very fun, and the response from the people who came to see us was spectacular. Well, we are eager to get back into the van and put in the miles. We really want to present the new album to the world and our show. We have dates until the month of May, but we are waiting to see if we close any more, to see if there are any festivals, and we really want to cross the border to Europe, and be able to get to Canada… oh my god!! That would be wonderful, I hope!! Although we know from listening to Spotify, for example, that we are being listened to a lot in the USA, so who knows.

THM: How’s the underground scene in Spain right now in your opinion? I mean, I’m always reviewing new albums by several amazing Spanish bands from Black and Death Metal to Metalcore and Hard Rock, but as you’re living and breathing the scene you might have some special comments about it. Also, apart from A Dark Reborn, which other Spanish bands should we keep an eye on?

Denis: Well, I will tell you that Spain is still a Latin country, which is why the underground scene, whether metal or hiphop or things like that, is difficult to stand out. You have to play the key very well, and be in the right place, with the right people and at the right time. That doesn’t mean that there are BRUTAL bands, with a lot of talent at the starting gate waiting for their turn, really! I could suggest to you friend bands such as Ankor, Violblast, Erio, We Exist Even Dead… and I left many out. I’m telling you, there is an impressive level of underground bands in this country!

THM: There’s this game I like to play sometimes with the bands interviewed here called “The Time Capsule”, where I ask the bands to list 10 songs from 10 different bands or artists to be saved in a time capsule for all future generations. Would you like to play that? And please, tell us the reason for selecting each song, of course.

Denis: Hahaha very good, let’s get to it then. You make it difficult but we are going to propose some!

1. Heaven Shall Burn – Endzeit
2. Mastodon – More Than I Could Chew
3. Get The Shot – Ultimate Warfare
4. Upon A Burning Body – The Island Of Lost Dreams
5. Jinjer – I Speak Astronomy
6. Amorphis – Brother And Sister
7. Soziedad Alkoholika – Tiempos Oscuros
8. Memento Mori Hardcore – Lleida Hardcore
9. Septicflesh – The Collector
10. Orbit Culture – North Star Of Nija

Well look, for future generations, we are going to wait for the future, hahahaha. At least me, I am a person who is guided a lot by sensations and moods, and that is what my playlists are based on. I don’t usually listen to individual songs. I prefer to listen to a band’s entire album. It seems to me that they have that way. meaning all the songs. Therefore, let’s wait until next year if you feel like it and look at this question again and talk about it, what do you think?

A Dark Reborn

THM: You have an amazing new album, a very exciting tour coming in 2024, you’re always working hard on your videos, and so on. Having said that, what’s next for A Dark Reborn? What else can we expect from the band in the coming months and years?

Denis: Thanks a lot for your comment on the album!!!! You can expect a lot of work and dedication from the band, we want to take great care of that, to always be able to transmit and get as close as possible to the person listening to us. We want to make it easy to reach each one of you. We hope to go as far as possible; we want to take on the world, we really want to go out and share with you everything we have. And above all you can expect effort and a lot of passion, which is a fundamental piece of this band, the passion for what we do. Well, we are fulfilling our dreams, what else could I say?

THM: Thanks again for your time! Feel free to send a final message to our readers, where to buy your music, and anything else you would like to say here!

Denis: Well, first of all, I would like to thank you again for wanting to meet us from so far away, for us it is an honor. I hope I can get to that side of the world soon and be able to say hello and share some beers!!!! For those who want to listen, know that we are on all digital reproduction platforms, be it Spotify, YouTube… and if you would like to support us with some merchandising, we have an online store on the Art Gates Records label, or if you prefer, you can write to us a DM on Instagram, Facebook, and we will be happy to chat with all of you and help you with everything you need! I repeat, thank you very much for the attention and the opportunity!!

A Dark Reborn Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Spotify | Linktree

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