Album Review – Fracturus / Versus The Void (2023)

The debut album by this up-and-coming metal act from Canada will pulverize your senses with its modern and technical fusion of Death Metal and Deathcore.

Hailing from “la Vieille Capitale” Montreal, in Quebec, Canada, the ruthless Death Metal/Deathcore four-piece act Fracturus has just released their first full-length album, entitled Versus The Void, following up on their 2021 debut EP L’appel du vide. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Chris Donaldson (Cryptopsy), and displaying a sinister artwork by Abysmial, the album features a modern and technical style of Death Metal powered by the aggressive vocals by Alexandre Leblanc (Dark Century, Neuraxis), the razor sharp guitar riffs by Greg Nicholls (Dark Century, Pyramidion), the ground shaking bass work by Peter Hamm (Cryptic Forest), and the lightning fast drum thunderstorm courtesy of Alexis Serré (Dark Century, Transe Metal Machine), turning the album into a must-listen for fans of the more modern and melodic version of Death Metal from the current scene.

The futuristic, modern intro titled Ascension invites us all to join Fracturus in their quest for heavy music to the sound of Storm, showcasing wicked lyrics barked by Alexandre (“Born to defy, an agent of demise / Created to resist, unaffected by the lies / Forged by a code of beliefs, a one-man creed / With nothing to corrupt, this unbreakable will”) and a demolishing sonority blending Groove and Death Metal with Deathcore. In the title-track Versus the Void, Greg delivers sheer adrenaline through his riffs while Peter hammers his bass in the most intricate way possible, or in other words, it’s an amazing option to slam into the circle pit, whereas Alexis dictates the pace in Forget the End, blasting his drums like there’s no tomorrow supported by the thunderous bass lines by Peter, therefore resulting in one of the heaviest and most technical of all songs.

As the rain falls the band will kill in Hand of Man, spearheaded by the fulminating drums by Alexis and the always venomous roars by Alexandre, uniting Death Metal and Deathcore in the name of pitch-black darkness; whereas Dissolve is perhaps the most Deathcore of all songs from the album while also showcasing hints of Progressive Death Metal, bringing forward an amazing job done by Greg armed with his stringed axe accompanied as usual by the relentless bass by Peter. Lastly, in Rational / Animal we’re treated to one final round of their acid lyrics (“Either food or killer, hunter or prey / Nature favors the strong, survival of the species / Primitive aggression, a king among beasts / Dominant upon a savage domain”), with Peter and Alexis making the earth tremble with their progressive yet infuriated kitchen before everything fades into a melancholic piano outro.

If you want to experience all the heaviness and rage flowing from Versus The Void, you can simply stream the album as many times as you want on Spotify, but of course in order to show your utmost support to the underground you can purchase a copy of the album from Apple Music, from Amazon, or by clicking HERE or HERE, and don’t forget to also start following Fracturus on Facebook, on Instagram and on YouTube. The guys from Fracturus are definitely taking a huge step forward in their career with Versus The Void, making the Canadian metal scene stronger and, consequently, offering us all another very good reason to keep banging our heads and having some fun inside the circle pit to the sound of their newborn opus.

Best moments of the album: Storm and Forget the End.

Worst moments of the album: None.

Released in 2023 Independent

Track listing
1. Ascension 0:42
2. Storm 3:40
3. Versus the Void 3:58
4. Forget the End 3:27
5. Hand of Man 4:16
6. Dissolve 3:46
7. Rational / Animal 4:35

Band members
Alexandre Leblanc – vocals
Greg Nicholls – guitars
Peter Hamm – bass
Alexis Serré – drums