Album Review – Odio Deus / Spiritual Syphilis (2024)

The debut album by this Norwegian Black Metal horde will attack your senses mercilessly, unveiling the inherent ‘evil’ embedded in organized religions.

Meticulously crafted for approximately two years, evolving from a mere idea to a finished product, Spiritual Syphilis, the debut opus by Oslo, Norway-based Black Metal horde Odio Deus, unveils the inherent ‘evil’ embedded in organized religions, particularly those led by fanatical leaders. Presenting a fusion of traditional Norwegian and Swedish Black Metal heavily influenced by the American Death Metal scene, Spiritual Syphilis is a beast of an album brought into being by Braatebrann on vocals, guitars and bass, Winterheart on the guitars, and the band’s mastermind Telal on drums and bass, or in other words, a collaborative effort with all three members working in unison from inception to completion, being highly recommended for all fans of old school Black and Death Metal.

As soon as you hit play, an ominous start suddenly explodes into chaotic, fierce Black Metal led by the demented drumming by Telal in Curse of Jehovah, definitely not recommended for the lighthearted, setting fire to the atmosphere before the sulfurous The Con Man makes things even more scorching, with Braatebrann’s harsh, devilish vocals being an ode to classic Black Metal. After such an explosive song we have The Chosen People, a massive Black Metal onrush by Odio Deus in the vein of Behemoth where Braatebrann sounds inhumane on vocals, exhaling rage, darkness and evil, whereas the title-track Spiritual Syphilis will smash you like a putrid insect, with Telal crushing his drums mercilessly in an amazing display of both classic and modern-day Melodic Black Metal.

Then the slashing riffs by Braatebrann and Winterheart set the tone in Deceiver, another solid composition by the trio that should work really well if played live; and leaning towards a darker, doomed version of Black Metal, we’re treated to Lenkene er brutt, which means “the chains are broken” from Norwegian, keeping the album at a high level of obscurity thanks to all demonic sounds blasted by the band. Svik, the Norwegian word for “betrayal”, brings forward more of their caustic riffs and hammering drums, with Braatebrann once again leading his horde with his devilish, grim roars and gnarls, whereas Glossolalia is by far the heaviest of all songs thanks to the brutal bass lines by Braatebrann and the always pounding drums by Telal, switching gears to a venomous Black Metal sound halfway through it, therefore resulting in a complete aria. And lastly, Til evig tid, or “for eternity” in English, sounds haunting and multi-layered, albeit not as exciting as the other songs, also presenting a way too lengthy ending but still being very enjoyable.

In a nutshell, Odio Deus simply nailed it with Spiritual Syphilis, with everything related to the album, from its title to its artwork, from its lyrics to its violent and caustic music, perfectly representing all the evil that religion does to mankind. Hence, don’t forget to start following the band on Facebook if you also believe fanatic religion leaders will bring humanity to its downfall, and also to grab a copy of the album from Amazon (and soon from other sources). Odio Deus can be translated from Latin as something like “I hate God”, and that’s exactly what the band proposes with their music, staying true to Black Metal not only regarding its sound, but also its principles, all beautifully offered to us all in the form of Spiritual Syphilis.

Best moments of the album: The Con Man, Spiritual Syphilis and Glossolalia.

Worst moments of the album: Til evig tid.

Released in 2024 WormHoleDeath

Track listing
1. Curse of Jehovah 6:23
2. The Con Man 5:49
3. The Chosen People 4:22
4. Spiritual Syphilis 4:47
5. Deceiver 4:07
6. Lenkene er brutt 4:47
7. Svik 5:44
8. Glossolalia 4:36
9. Til evig tid 6:40

Band members
Braatebrann – vocals, guitars, bass
Winterheart – guitars
Telal – drums, bass