Concert Review – Cattle Decapitation (The Opera House, Toronto, ON, 12/02/2023)

As we’re all going to die one day, why not enjoying our time left on earth with some first-class Death Metal like what the unparalleled Cattle Decapitation offered us this Saturday night in Toronto?

OPENING ACTS: Castrator, Sanguisugabogg and Immolation

Before I start the actual review of the show, I gotta say that although I don’t have anything against Christmas, I do nurture a deep hatred for the Christmas market known as The Distillery Winter Village that happens this time of the year in Toronto. Because of that, it took me almost two hours to get to The Opera House last night to see CASTRATOR, SANGUISUGABOGG and IMMOLATION during their demented The Terrasitic Infestation Tour 2023, brought to the city by the always awesome Noel Peters of Inertia Entertainment, and I had to skip some quality time with my friend Keith Ibbitson of Metal Paparazzi (and some other nice ladies and gents) and simply rush to the venue (after parking way too far from it, of course). And before I forget, the concert was absolutely SOLD OUT, so you can all imagine how demonic the atmosphere was indoors on Saturday, right?

Anyway, at least I made it in time for the opening act of the night, the ruthless New York-based Death Metal entity CASTRATOR, who hit the stage of The Opera House at 7pm sharp and pulverized our senses for intense 30 minutes of Old School Death Metal. I have no idea why their guitarist Kimberly Orellana isn’t playing this tour, but fortunately for all fans of first-class extreme music the awesome Long Island, New York guitarist Kurtis Layne stepped up and made their whole tour possible. Playing seven demolishing songs from their top-notch debut full-length Defiled in Oblivion, released in 2022 (and available for a full listen on BandCamp and on Spotify, or click HERE for all things Castrator), including the fantastic tunes Inquisition Sins and the closer Dawa of Yousafzai, the band formed of the unstoppable growler Clarissa Badini, bassist Robin Mazen, drummer Carolina Perez, and the aforementioned Kurtis Layne on the guitar was vicious form start to finish, igniting some of the wildest mosh pits I’ve ever seen for an opening act in my life. Clarissa was insane on vocals, roaring and headbanging like a maniac nonstop, therefore having the crowd in the palm of her hands all the time. She’s one of the best growlers of the new generation, and I highly recommended seeing Castrator live whenever they take your damned city by storm. When she was announcing the last song of the night, the audience demanded more, and she laughed and said “c’mon guys, we’re just the opener”. Well, hopefully one day we’ll see Castrator as the headliners in Toronto, because we all loved their wicked Death Metal attack, turning several of us (including myself) into a fanboy of the band.

Tormented by Atrocities
Forsaken and Deprived
Inquisition Sins
Tyrant’s Verdict
Befoul My Existence
Sinister Mind
Dawa of Yousafzai

Band members
Clarissa Badini – vocals
Kurtis Layne – guitars
Robin Mazen – bass
Carolina Perez – drums

That circle pit madness initiated by Castrator kept moving frantically during the demented 30-minute onrush of Brutal Death Metal by Columbus, Ohio-based horde SANGUISUGABOGG (by the way, the band’s name is a combination of “sanguisuga”, which is Latin for “leech”, and “bog”, a British English slang for “toilet”), demanding a high level of stamina and fitness form everyone who dared to brave the floor section. Playing songs mostly from their latest album Homicidal Ecstasy, such as Black Market Vasectomy and Face Ripped Off, plus the closer Dead as Shit, from their 2021 debut Tortured Whole (all available on Spotify), the band that has one of the most unreadable logos ever and that’s spearheaded by this massive dude named Devin Swank kicked some serious ass on stage, demanding the crowd to keep moving inside the circle pit like crazy, even throwing a football to the fans for some sort of twisted football or even rugby madness. Kudos also to drummer Cody Davidson, who kept hammering our heads with his infernal beats just the way we like it in Brutal Death Metal, and next time the band comes to Toronto I’ll make sure I’m there for some quality slamming.

Black Market Vasectomy
Face Ripped Off
A Lesson in Savagery
Permanently Fucked
Mortal Admonishment
Dead as Shit

Band members
Devin Swank – vocals
Ced Davis – guitars
Drew Arnold – guitars
Cody Davidson – drums

I don’t think there’s anything I can say about Death Metal institution IMMOLATION at this point that hasn’t been said before. After seeing them quite a few times already, I’m always impressed with the heaviness, the charisma, the vibe and the dexterity those New York death metallers bring to the stage, putting their hearts and souls into each of their shows. Ross Dolan and his henchmen were on fire as usual throughout their entire set, making The Opera House tremble with their thunderous Death Metal for the delight of all concert goers. Furthermore, I have to say Robert Vigna might be one of the most underrated guitarists in heavy music, as not only he’s amazing in the studio, but when he’s on stage his axe sounds even more menacing, piercing and striking, adding an extra touch of heaviness to the band’s performance. As mentioned in other reviews of their previous live concerts, the new songs form Acts of God, those being The Age of No Light and An Act of God, matched perfectly with their older material, proving once again the music by one of the torchbearers of Old School Death Metal is simply timeless. In a nutshell, it was a fulminating headbanging party not recommended for the lighthearted, and I’m sure we’ll see those guys back in Toronto sooner than we can say “Death Metal”.

And the Flames Wept
All That Awaits Us
The Age of No Light
Dawn of Possession
Once Ordained
When the Jackals Come
Christ’s Cage
An Act of God
Higher Coward

Band members
Ross Dolan – vocals, bass
Robert Vigna – guitars
Alex Bouks – guitars
Steve Shalaty – drums


It was close to 10pm when the main attraction of the night, San Diego, California’s own Progressive Death Metal/Grindcore titans CATTLE DECAPITATION, took the stage of The Opera House by storm with one of the most infuriated and captivating concerts they’ve ever done in Toronto, and the fact they were the headliners this time helped boost their energy and impact considerably. One of the best details of their setlist was that they played several songs form their masterpiece Terrasite, by far one of the best albums of 2023, including the infernal songs Terrasitic Adaptation, We Eat Our Young, Scourge of the Offspring, The Storm Upstairs, Solastalgia, and A Photic Doom, and the reaction form each fan at the venue to those new tunes was superb.

The entire band was on total freakin’ sync during their demonic set, but let’s say that two guys ended up stealing the spotlight, drummer David McGraw and obviously their iconic frontman Travis Ryan. David sounded infuriated behind his drums, and you know that when the band’s drummer is insane, the mosh pits also are, enhancing the speed, the fury and the madness going on inside such. Not only that, as the concert was on a Saturday I guess all kids inside the circle pit didn’t have to worry about school or work the next day, and they went mental to the point it was impossible to keep up with their pace. The other name of the night was as mentioned Travis, one of the best, most charismatic frontmen in the history of extreme music, who not only was insane as usual with both his deep guttural and his trademark goblin screeches, but he was also having a lot of fun with the crowd, even using a Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat top hat (and yes, someone brought it to the concert for a reason beyond my understanding) to wipe up his ass while the audience was laughing a lot of the scene. In other words, Travis is awesome, period.

Most of us were curious to know why there was a disco ball hanging from the ceiling during the band’s performance, and fortunately I have a secret source who explained to me the reason for that. During their sound check, one of the band’s guitarists was checking his sound by playing a slow song (we believe it was “Endless Love”, originally recorded as a duet by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross in 1981), and when the lighting tech turned the disco ball on, Travis saw that and said they had to use it during their set. Well, I personally think that was an AWESOME idea, making their Toronto gig truly unique, with the light coming form the disco ball matching perfectly with their savage music. Everyone loved it, and the city is more than ready for another round of the caustic music by Cattle Decapitation anytime they want to return to the city, if possible with the disco ball back, of course. And lastly, I just want to say one thing about the band’s merch. One of the stickers sold at their merch stand had their classic phrase “We’re All Gonna Die. Have a Nice Day.”, and let’s say that’s exactly how we should face our lives, having a great time at metal concerts with our friends and family like this Saturday at The Opera Hose until our inevitable end. Thank you, Cattle Decapitation. You guys are the best!

Terrasitic Adaptation
We Eat Our Young
Scourge of the Offspring
Dead Set on Suicide
The Storm Upstairs
Bring Back the Plague
Finish Them
A Photic Doom
Time’s Cruel Curtain
Pacific Grim

Kingdom of Tyrants

Band members
Travis Ryan – vocals
Josh Elmore – lead guitars
Belisario Dimuzio – rhythm guitars
Olivier Pinard – bass
David McGraw – drums

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Album Review – Cattle Decapitation / Terrasite (2023)

Fear the devourer of earth in the form of the brand new and absolutely majestic album by California’s own Progressive Death Metal and Grindcore masters.

Dedicated to the memory of Gabe Serbian (RIP), former guitarist and drummer of the band from 1996 until 2000 and also known for his work with The Locust, Holy Molar and Zu, the acid and infernal Terrasite, the brand new album by San Diego, California’s own Progressive Death Metal/Grindcore masters Cattle Decapitation, is a work-of-art by one of the most important extreme music bands of all time. Produced, mixed and mastered by Dave Otero at Flatline Audio, and displaying a phenomenal artwork by American illustrator Wes Benscoter, who has been working with the band since their 2002 album To Serve Man and with countless other metal giants the likes of Bloodbath, Slayer and Hipocrisy, Terrasite (which is the portmanteau of the words “terra”, or “earth” in Latin, and “sitos”, or “food” in Greek, and a paronomasia with the word “parasite”, meaning a devourer or destroyer of land or earth or a post-Anthropocene “humanity”) offers our avid ears everything we love and more in the music by frontman Travis Ryan, guitarists Josh Elmore and Belisario Dimuzio, bassist Olivier Pinard and drummer David McGraw, positioning it as one of the beast albums in their career and, consequently, as one of the top metal releases of 2023.

Featuring keys and drums by Dis Pater (of Midnight Odyssey), Terrasitic Adaptation is a sinister opener that already blasts our minds with their caustic lyrics (“Life finds a way / The fauna from the trauma / Culled from the pages of this human drama / Our petrified tombs / Now crumbling oothecas / From which a new species of human arises”) and an infernal but extremely technical sound; followed by We Eat Our Young, a bestial creation by Cattle Decapitation with Travis sounding inhumane on vocals accompanied by the demented drums by David and the always scorching riffs by Josh and Belisario, or in other words, it’s a newborn classic by those unrelenting metallers. Dis Pater returns in the ruthless Scourge of the Offspring, a song that keeps the album at an insane level of aggressiveness with Travis once again barking and roaring nonstop amidst a stunning Progressive Death Metal hurricane. There’s no sign of slowing down as The Insignificants is another breathtaking aria by the quintet where the drums by David and the rumbling bass by Olivier generate a massive sonic earthquake, whereas The Storm Upstairs sounds chaotic, grim and austere from the very first second, with the razor-edged riffage by Josh and Belisario piercing our minds mercilessly.

Get ready to be smashed like a putrid corpse in …And the World Will Go on Without You, spearheaded by the infernal blast beats by David and the inhumane growls by Travis, resulting in one of the heaviest moments of the album hands down. There’s no hope for mankind and Cattle Decapitation make sure we understand that in A Photic Doom, with the band’s stringed trio bringing endless heaviness and electricity to their music; followed by Dead End Residents, a headbanging composition by the band showcasing their trademark violence and dexterity, also presenting somber background elements which enhance Travis’ vocal performance considerably. Solastalgia is ruthless and extremely intricate from start to finish, with the entire band being on fire delivering first-class Progressive Death Metal with Grindcore nuances for our vulgar delectation; and lastly we have the grim aria Just Another Body, again featuring keys and drums by Dis Pater and more of their darkly poetic words (“Existence… the poetry of the flesh which we will trust from conception to dust / Just another body – a temple of shit / Filled with the trash that we dump in it”), offering us all over ten minutes of sonic perfection, with the combination of phantasmagorical keys with sheer Death Metal devastation turning the song into a must-listen for any fan of heavy music.

“We are one of the few bands that have never rested on our laurels and keep pushing ourselves to improve. At this stage of our careers we could easily be trying to rewrite Monolith Of Inhumanity (2012) over and over, but since we did not and have never settled that way, the end results were The Anthropocene Extinction (2015), Death Atlas (2019) and now Terrasite, which have pushed us further into more mature and experimental territory,” commented Josh about their new album, while Travis said that “I just feel with the way things change so drastically nowadays, especially the last three or four years, that it’s surprising an extreme metal band can not only be around for so damn long but still stay anchored in this constantly changing scene that’s dictated where it’s going to go by younger generations – and still maintain relevance. Our band truly is an anomaly. I’d prefer to keep it that way.” If they’re an anomaly, they’re an ass-kicking one, and Terrasite, which is available for a full listen on YouTube and on Spotify, will always feature among their best albums due to its heaviness, intricacy and impact. Hence, don’t forget to follow Cattle Decapitation on Facebook and on Instagram, to subscribe to their YouTube channel, and to purchase a copy of the stunning Terrasite by clicking HERE, adding such hymns to the downfall of mankind to your bestial collection and, therefore, having the perfect soundtrack to our extinction on your dirty hands.

Best moments of the album: We Eat Our Young, Scourge of the Offspring, …And the World Will Go on Without You, Solastalgia and Just Another Body.

Worst moments of the album: None.

Released in 2023 Metal Blade Records

Track listing
1. Terrasitic Adaptation 5:01
2. We Eat Our Young 3:55
3. Scourge of the Offspring 4:28
4. The Insignificants 4:43
5. The Storm Upstairs 5:27
6. …And the World Will Go on Without You 4:14
7. A Photic Doom 4:26
8. Dead End Residents 5:09
9. Solastalgia 4:56
10. Just Another Body 10:15

Band members
Travis Ryan – vocals
Josh Elmore – lead guitars
Belisario Dimuzio – rhythm guitars
Olivier Pinard – bass
David McGraw – drums

Guest musicians
Dis Pater – keyboards and drums on “Terrasitic Adaptation”, “Scourge of the Offspring” and “Just Another Body”
Dave Otero – additional keyboards on “Just Another Body”