Concert Review – Ov Sulfur & Mental Cruelty (Hard Luck Bar, Toronto, ON, 02/21/2024)

Two of the must-see names of the current Deathcore scene worldwide took the city of Toronto by storm for an unforgettable night of cruelty, light and sulfur.

OPENING ACTS: Beguiler and Ghost Bath

Not sure if it’s global warming or just pure luck, but the weather last night in Toronto was pretty much in the low teens with clear skies, as opposed to the absolute cold and endless snow we were supposed to endure this time of the year, and I guess that was one of the main reasons why the (very) small but cozy Hard Luck Bar was jam-packed for a night of top-of-the-line Deathcore with the bands BEGUILER, GHOST BATH, MENTAL CRUELTY and OV SULFUR during their Beyond The Eternal Tour 2024, another sensational event brought to the city by Noel Peters of Inertia Entertainment. On a side note, once again Belarusian Brutal Death Metal masters Extermination Dismemberment were not allowed to enter Canada for a reason beyond our comprehension, being replaced with Beguiler in Toronto, and as much as I enjoyed Beguiler I think this bullshit has to end and all Torontonian fans should have the pleasure of seeing Extermination Dismemberment kicking ass live in the city.

That doesn’t mean that the concert by Oshawa, Ontario, Canada’s own Deathcore act BEGUILER was boring or tiresome; quite the contrary, about 30 minutes or so after the doors at the Hard Luck Bar opened they began their fulminating performance, already inspiring everyone at the venue to slam into the circle pit spearheaded by their frontman Jacob Cooledge. The guy was growling like a beast, bursting his lungs in anger throughout their entire setlist, and that added an extra spice to the already ruthless sound crafted by his bandmates Scott Thoms, Gord Cameron and Nathan McDonald. What a great warmup that was, and if you’re curious to know more about their music you can find all of their releases on BandCamp and on Spotify, including their 2022 EP Etterath, and don’t forget to keep an eye on their social media for their tour dates because watching Beguiler live is definitely worth it.

Band members
Jacob Cooledge – vocals
Scott Thoms – guitar
Gord Cameron – bass
Nathan McDonald – drums

Due to the amount of bands playing last night the concert by Beguiler was relatively short, which was also the case with Minot, North Dakota, United States-based Depressive/Post-Black Metal entity GHOST BATH, who started their harsh, dark and sinister performance a little after 8pm. This is the second time I saw those guys live, and they were as tight and grim as when they opened for UADA last year, with once again the band’s mastermind Nameless stealing the spotlight with his undeniable talent, charisma and obscurity. I must say I wasn’t sure how the crowd would react to Ghost Bath taking into account they were the only non-Deathcore band of all, but everyone at the venue had an amazing time during their show, and as I said on the review for their concert when they opened for UADA simply go check their discography on BandCamp and on Spotify, including their 2021 album Self Loather, because their music is brilliantly dark.

Band members
Nameless – vocals, guitars
Tim Church – guitars
John Olivier – guitars
Josh Jaye – bass
Chris Piette – drums


I was then close to 9pm when one of the main attractions of the night, and I dare to say the most anticipated of all bands due to the wild reaction from the crowd, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany-based Symphonic Deathcore outfit MENTAL CRUELTY hit the stage for an unforgettable concert, kicking things off with the amazing duo Midtvinter / Obsessis a Daemonio, from their 2023 masterpiece Zwielicht, and blending older songs such as King ov Fire and Ultima Hypocrita with tons of songs from their latest album, including the breathtaking Forgotten Kings, Nordlys and Mortal Shells, driving all concert-goers crazy inside the wild mosh pits while the band led by frontman Lukas Nicolai was on absolute fire on stage. Their guitar duo formed of Nahuel Lozano and Marvin Kessler was fantastic during their entire set, delivering sharp, piercing riffs and solos for our total delight and, therefore, adding even more fuel to the already incendiary mosh pits.

It was by far one of the coolest underground concerts form the past few years, and the excitement on the faces of all band members made the night even more special for all of us at the venue. Before closing their awesome setlist with my favorite song of their entire discography, Zwielicht / Symphony of a Dying Star, Lukas asked us all to turn on the flashlights of our phones, hold them high in the air and start waving our arms, “blinding” him with all the light, an amazing moment that will stay registered in the memories of the band and of everyone who attended the show last night. After their concert was over, the guys from Mental Cruelty went straight to their merch booth and stayed there for the rest of the night, chatting with fans, taking photos, of course selling their merch, and having a great time in Canadian lands. Needless to say, I can’t wait for the band to return to Toronto in a not-so-distant future to shine their Deathcore-infused light upon us all once again.

Band members
Lukas Nicolai – vocals
Nahuel Lozano – guitars
Marvin Kessler – guitars
Viktor Dick – bass
Danny Straßer – drums


After another quick bathroom/beer/smoke/chat break, it was then time for Las Vegas, Nevada, United States-based Deathcore powerhouse OV SULFUR to begin their irreligious, blasphemous and demented performance, increasing the violence inside the circle pit as frontman Ricky Hoover kept roaring and screaming nonstop on stage. Although the band only has two releases in their discography, those being their 2021 debut EP Oblivion and their 2023 full-length opus The Burden ov Faith, that was more than enough to generate a solid setlist full of aggression, neck-breaking passages, visceral growls, strident riffs and blast beats, putting a huge smile on everyone’s faces while the temperature kept going up inside the venue.

Some of the songs played by Ricky and his henchmen stood out from their setlist, including Doomhead, Wide Open, and the most special one for Ricky himself, Earthen, which he dedicated to everyone who has lost a loved person in their lives just like Ricky has recently lost his 16-year-old nephew (who tragically died of cancer). That was a very emotional moment of the concert showing that even when the music is extremely heavy and brutal, there’s still place for deep feelings. The only “issue” with the whole night for me was the fact that Ov Sulfur and Mental Cruelty didn’t share the stage for their amazing collaborative single Hivemind, which for some reason I was very positive that they would play for us. Anyway, I don’t think most fans cared about that minor detail and slammed into the circle pit like beasts until the very last second, and once again I feel sorry for my buddy Keith Ibbitson of Metal Paparazzi and all other photographers for having to brave the mosh pits to take photos of the bands, plus the fact that the red light at the Hard Luck Bar is horrible for any type of picture. Hopefully next time we see Ov Sulfur in the city it will be at a venue with better lighting and a higher stage, but even if they play again at the Hard Luck Bar I’m sure all of us will be there to bang our heads together with one of the must-see names of the current Deathcore scene worldwide.

Band members
Ricky Hoover – vocals
Chase Wilson – guitars
Tre Purdue – guitars
Ding – bass
Leviathvn – drums

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