Album Review – Werewolves / Die For Us (2024)

Australia’s most savage beast is back with their fifth studio opus, a lecture in Death Metal perfect for beating anyone back to life.

If you weren’t there in 1992, your taste in music’s shit. This is the exact message that Melbourne, Australia’s most savage horde, the ruthless Technical Death/Black Metal beast Werewolves, in sending out with their amazing new album, simply titled Die For Us, the follow-up to their also insane 2023 album My Enemies Look and Sound like Me. Recorded by Matt Wilcock and Adam Calaitzis at Toyland Recording Studio (guitars), by Sam Bean (bass), by Jack Hartley at Jack Hartley Audio (vocals), and by Joe Haley at AAA Studios (drums), mixed and mastered by Joe Haley at Crawlspace Productions, and once again displaying a visceral artwork by Mitchell Nolte, the new opus by the aforementioned Sam Bean on vocals and bass, Matt Wilcock on the guitars, and David Haley on drums is a lesson in violence recommended for fans of Hate Eternal, Deicide, Krisiun and so on, ticking every box for modern Death Metal with excruciatingly violent blasting straight out the gates and very little let-up until the bitter end, being the perfect depiction of what the band likes to call “Caveman Death Metal.”

The album already starts in full force as one of their traditional sick intros explodes into the most brutal form of Death Metal in the title-track Die for Us, with David showcasing already all his dexterity, violence and passion for heavy music behind his drums; whereas a demented laugh by Sam kicks off the fulminating Beaten Back to Life, where Matt sounds ruthless armed with his scorching riffs while David continues to hammer our cranial skulls mercilessly. Furthermore, it’s indeed a beautiful song about the glory of 90’s Death Metal (“If you weren’t there in 1992 / Your taste in music’s shit / Fuck you / If you never tape traded / Or raided corner stores for vinyl / You’re lacking something spinal / Fuck you”). The trio keeps delivering sheer animosity and rage in Fuck You Got Mine, another awesome tune that will certainly ignite some wild mosh pits whenever played live, and featuring guest vocals by Australian veteran Rok (of Sadistik Exekution) we have My Hate Is Strong, even more infernal and brutal than its predecessors, carrying the perfect name for its sonority with Sam roaring and barking like a rabid creature.

If you think they’re going to slow down or sell off, you’re absolutely wrong; quite the contrary, it’s pedal to the metal in an infernal Death Metal attack by those demented Aussie wolves titled The Company Wolves, followed by Spittle-Flecked Rant, another fantastic Death Metal onrush by the trio with its riffs sounding inspired by Cannibal Corpse while David once again blasts his drums nonstop in a lecture in savagery and rage. We All Deserve to Be Slaves, the second single of the album, is as acid, visceral and brutal as it can be, with Sam barking the song’s rebellious lyrics like a beast, flowing into Under a Urinal Moon, the darkest of all songs, with Matt extracting Stygian, cryptic sounds form his axe, being therefore perfect for some neck-breaking activity. And their violence keeps going strong in the closing tune Stay Down, where once again Sam and Matt slash their axes in the name of pure old school Death Metal.

Having already expressed the purpose of releasing ten albums in ten years after their inception back in 2019, Werewolves are hitting the halfway mark with Die For Us, and let’s say they’re just getting better and better with each one of their demonic, austere albums. Hence, go check what those middle-aged bastards are up to on Facebook and on Instagram, and grab a copy of the infuriated Die For Us from their own website or BandCamp page, as well as from Direct Merch in Australia and New Zealand, Night Shift in the United States, and Plastic Head Distribution (CD or LP) in the UK and Europe. Just to make things clear to you all, they will beat you back to life to the sound of their newborn beast, because their hate is strong and you all deserve to be slaves, until you die again in the name of ruthless Death Metal. I think you got the idea now, right?

Best moments of the album: Die for Us, Beaten Back to Life, My Hate Is Strong and Spittle-Flecked Rant.

Worst moments of the album: Absolutely none.

Released in 2024 Independent

Track listing
1. Die for Us 4:48
2. Beaten Back to Life 3:22
3. Fuck You Got Mine 4:16
4. My Hate Is Strong 4:07
5. The Company Wolves 3:30
6. Spittle-Flecked Rant 2:51
7. We All Deserve to Be Slaves 3:21
8. Under a Urinal Moon 4:46
9. Stay Down 4:25

Band members
Sam Bean – vocals, bass
Matt Wilcock – guitars
David Haley – drums

Guest musician
Rok – vocals on “My Hate Is Strong”

Concert Review – Archspire (Factory Theatre, Sydney, NSW, Australia 10/13/2023)

There’s nothing better than slamming into the circle pit Down Under on a Friday the 13th, courtesy of three of the best tech death bands of the current worldwide scene.

OPENING ACTS: Werewolves and Ingested

I honestly still can’t believe that in the middle of my business trip to Sydney, Australia, I was able to catch WEREWOLVES, INGESTED and ARCHSPIRE during their phenomenal Tech Trek Australia Tour 2023 at this really cool and well-located venue named Factory Theatre this Friday night. Not only that, if you’re not familiar with the public transportation system in Sydney, let me tell you that it makes it extremely easy to get anywhere you want, which allowed me to get to the venue as soon as the doors opened at 8pm without rushing or anything like that, giving me enough time to buy some merch from Werewolves, grab a beer, and even chat with some locals who were all truly surprised I came all the way from Toronto for the show.

Precisely at 8:30pm, with the venue being almost full already, Melbourne, Australia’s own Technical Black/Death Metal savages WEREWOLVES kicked off the night with a pulverizing and memorable performance for the delight of everyone who was already positioned inside the pit for some action. Vocalist and bassist Sam Bean, guitarist Matt Wilcock and drummer David Haley (that man is a beast on drums!) took no prisoners during their short and sweet set, blasting our ears with their uncompromised, venomous hybrid of Black and Death Metal with songs from all of their insane albums, including their latest beast My Enemies Look and Sound like Me. Those Aussie metallers know exactly what needs to be done on stage to inspire the crowd for some wild headbanging and circle pits, and songs like No More Heroes, Under the Ground, Crushgasm, and specially the closing one, the antisocial hymn I Don’t Like You, sound even better live than in the studio. There were even some wild howls coming from some (drunk) fans in the audience, just to prove how awesome the band was.

I’m extremely happy that I had the chance to see those guys live in Australia, and hopefully the metal community worldwide will give them the attention they deserve and we’ll finally see Werewolves assaulting the stages in North and South America, Europe, and anywhere else where violence and hatred are an intrinsic part of music. Furthermore, don’t forget to stream their visceral creations on BandCamp and on Spotify, and if you ever witness Werewolves live I highly recommend you go chat with the band after their show as they’re fantastic guys. Sam even joked by asking me if I had a suggestion for a name of their next album, which they’re already working on, but I missed the chance to say something like “Powerslave”, “Painkiller” or “Reign In Blood”. Well, maybe next time I’ll be quick enough to come up with something like that, right?

Know Your Place
No More Heroes
Sublime Wartime Voyeurism
Under the Ground
Crushing Heaven’s Mandate
Showering Teeth
I Don’t Like You

Band members
Sam Bean – vocals, bass
Matt Wilcock – guitars
David Haley – drums

After a short break, it was time for Manchester, England-based Slam/Brutal Death Metal/Deathcore outfit INGESTED to crush their fans in Sydney for the first time ever  with their infectious brutality and endless energy on stage. I must admit they sounded even tighter in Sydney than the last time I saw them in Toronto, just to prove how excited they were to finally blast their wicked music Down Under. Still promoting their 2022 album Ashes Lie Still, the band spearheaded by the charismatic and lunatic Jay Evans was on fire throughout their entire performance, with songs like I, Despoiler and Skinned and Fucked turning the circle pit at the Factory Theatre into pure madness and devastation.

Jay was by far the most excited for playing in Australia, and it was actually hard to take pictures of him on stage because the guy doesn’t stop moving not even for a single second, as if he was part of the crowd, like a fan who will slam into the pit until the very last second of the last song. By the way, when the band announced their last song, the bloodthirsty aria Echoes of Hate, all hell broke loose inside the pit for the pure delectation of Jay and his crew. It’s a real pleasure seeing a hardworking band like Ingested going places, and based on the rowdy reaction they got from their fans in Sydney I’m sure they’ll return to Australia sooner than you can say “slam”. Hence, don’t forget to also check the band’s furious fusion of extreme styles on BandCamp and on Spotify, and to keep an eye on their tour dates to avoid missing the opportunity to see them crushing your city to pieces live.

Impending Dominance
I, Despoiler
Shadows in Time
Skinned and Fucked
Echoes of Hate

Band members
Jay Evans – vocals
Sean Hynes – guitars, backing vocals
Thomas O’Malley – bass
Lyn Jeffs – drums


It was close to 10:30pm when the main attraction of such fun and entertaining night, Canadian Technical Death Metal masters ARCHSPIRE, kicked off their breathtaking, mesmerizing performance, generating a schizophrenic atmosphere with their flawless fusion of violence, wrath, dexterity and energy on stage. Their flammable frontman Oliver Rae Aleron is not only a superb growler (and I’ll never be able to fully understand how that guy can sing guttural so fast as if he was rapping in the name of evil), but his charisma allowed him to basically control everything the crowd was doing, with his requests for some insane mosh pits being promptly answered by an avid Australian crowd.

Having released the album Bleed the Future in 2021, the band put on a beyond extraordinary show, with songs like Bleed the Future, A Dark Horizontal and Involuntary Doppelgänger sounding perfect live thanks to the undeniable, superb musicianship by all band members, with guitarist Dean Lamb and bassist Jared Smith stealing the spotlight with a lecture in shredding. If you’re curious to know more about one of the fastest and most talented bands of the current Technical Death Metal scene worldwide, you can enjoy all of their wicked albums in full on BandCamp and on Spotify. However, I must warn you that the demented vocals by Oliver will haunt your damned soul for all eternity so insane they are.

And last but not least, I have to say the Canadian humor and jokes the band presented on stage were simply awesome, adding a very welcome touch to their irreprehensible performance. For instance, before playing one of their bestial songs, Oliver asked the crowd to split the pit in the middle, but this time it wasn’t for a traditional wall of death; he threw a Twister game mat to the crowd, and then out of nowhere several sweaty fans were playing Twister instead of doing their regular slamming and headbanging. Then after another couple of songs he invited two fans for a shoe drinking contest named “shoey”, a gross Australian drinking tradition that for some reason Archspire seem to love. Well, it was gross, no doubt about it, but seeing the winner receiving a custom shirt made by one of the guys form the band with some weird drawing of Wolverine and a dingo was a really cool moment of their show. I would never, ever drink beer directly from my shoes, but one thing I’ll certainly do is to attend all concerts I’m able to by Archspire in the future for more awesomeness in the form of Canadian tech death.

Bleed the Future
Abandon the Linear
A Dark Horizontal
Remote Tumour Seeker
Golden Mouth of Ruin
Human Murmuration
Calamus Will Animate
Involuntary Doppelgänger
Drone Corpse Aviator

Band members
Oliver Rae Aleron – vocals
Dean Lamb – guitars
Tobi Morelli – guitars
Jared Smith – bass
Spencer Prewett – drums

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Album Review – Werewolves / My Enemies Look and Sound like Me (2023)

The most savage Blackened Death Metal band to ever arise from Australia returns to the battlefield in full force with an even more demented offering.

Formed in 2019 in Melbourne, Australia, the ruthless Technical Black/Death Metal horde that goes by the name of Werewolves has been making a name for themselves in the worldwide extreme music scene not only by the undeniable quality of their music, but also by their hard work and passion for what they do, as now in 2023, only a few years after the band’s inception, they’re unleashing upon humanity their impressive fourth studio album, the annihilating My Enemies Look and Sound like Me. Recorded by Chris Themelco at Anubis Studios (drums), Matt Wilcock and Sam Johnson at Holes & Corners Studio (guitars and bass), Jack Hartley at Jack Hartley Audio (vocals), and Marc Russo at Beveridge Road Studio (additional vocals), mixed and mastered by Joe Haley at Crawlspace Productions, and displaying a sick artwork by Mitchell Nolte (with design and layout by Sam Dishington), My Enemies Look and Sound like Me is a lecture in hatred, nihilism and violence by Sam Bean on vocals and bass, Matt Wilcock on the guitars, and David Haley on drums, taking the band’s fury to a whole new level in the majestic follow-up to their critically acclaimed albums The Dead Are Screaming (2020), What a Time to Be Alive (2021), and From the Cave to the Grave (2022).

There’s no peace in the music by Werewolves, and the opening tune Under The Ground is the perfect depiction of that, already offering our putrid ears the demonic drumming by David accompanied by the rumbling bass and devilish roars by Sam; whereas the title-track My Enemies Look And Sound Like Me sounds like a hurricane of Black and Death Metal that will demolish your senses, or a bestial devastation by the trio with Matt showcasing all his dexterity, rage and passion for extreme music armed with his axe. Get ready to break your freakin’ neck headbanging and to slam into the pit like a beast to the sound of Bring To Me The Kill, another infernal Black and Death Metal aria where David continues to hammer his drums manically, and those Aussie metallers show no mercy for our damned souls in Brace For Impact, blasting more of their frantic Blackened Death Metal spearheaded by the thunderous blast beats by David.

In Destroyer of Worlds we’re treated to devilish, obscure words vociferated by Sam (“Plead my cause against an unfaithful nation / Rescue me from those who are deceitful and wicked / An abomination / Nausea and tears / I am become Fake / Destroyer of worlds / We are not his image / Creature of blasphemy / Spitting in their eye / Pissing holy water”) while the music is the most cryptic form of Black Metal you can think of; and back to their more ferocious, ruthless vibe it’s time for a circle pit feast titled Neanderhell, with Sam roaring nonstop supported by the caustic riffage by Matt. I Hate Therefore I Am carries a beautiful name for a demonic, pulverizing hymn by Werewolves, making it impossible to stand still to the venomous riffs by Matt in one of the best songs of the album hands down. I Knew Nothing Then And I Know Less Now is another song with a classy name, offering our ears one more round of the band’s visceral Black and Death Metal. Put differently, simply bang your head nonstop to the stone crushing drums by David, and be prepared for the last tune from such hellish opus, titled Do Not Hold Me Back, which will punch you hard in the head one final time with Sam sounding darkly evil on vocals.

The demolishing, unrelenting My Enemies Look and Sound like Me can be appreciated in full on YouTube and on Spotify, but of course if I were you I would certainly grab a copy of it from the band’s own BandCamp page or by clicking HERE. Don’t forget to also follow Werewolves on Facebook and on Instagram for news, tour dates and so on, keeping your damned heart as black and evil as it can be while listening to the first-class extreme music by this amazing Australian band. Will Werewolves keep the momentum going and release another jaw-dropping full-length album in 2024? Do your enemies look and sound like you? Hopefully the answer to those two questions is yes, as Werewolves are quickly becoming one of the must-see names of both the Australian and the worldwide Black and Death Metal scenes, offering us all nonstop action, adrenaline and hatred in the form of their sick creations.

Best moments of the album: My Enemies Look And Sound Like Me, Bring To Me The Kill, Neanderhell and I Hate Therefore I Am.

Worst moments of the album: None.

Released in 2023 Prosthetic Records

Track listing
1. Under The Ground 2:29
2. My Enemies Look And Sound Like Me 3:46
3. Bring To Me The Kill 3:01
4. Brace For Impact 3:14
5. Destroyer of Worlds 5:41
6. Neanderhell 3:28
7. I Hate Therefore I Am 3:23
8. I Knew Nothing Then And I Know Less Now 4:07
9. Do Not Hold Me Back 4:52

Band members
Sam Bean – vocals, bass
Matt Wilcock – guitars
David Haley – drums