Concert Review – Wolves In The Throne Room (Lee’s Palace, Toronto, ON, 10/04/2023)

If harsh and cryptic Atmospheric Black Metal runs through your veins, then the city of Toronto was the perfect place for you to be last night.

OPENING ACTS: Hoaxed, Gaerea and Blackbraid

After all the Maidenmania that took over Western Canada last week, the underground called me back last night in Toronto for a wild feast of Atmospheric Black Metal (and some Dark Rock) by HOAXED, GAEREA, BLACKBRAID and WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM during their Crypt Of Ancestral Knowledge North American Tour 2023 at Lee’s Palace, which by the way felt like a true sauna due to the increasing heat during the entire night. Also, I’m glad I had the support of my friend Keith Ibbitson of Lower Eastside Photography for some amazing shots, because the circle pits were too intense while I was at the same time too tired to brave those. It was a very warm and pleasant night in Toronto, which is why I believe there were so many metalheads at the venue, making it a successful and memorable event for all bands and fans.

However, due to the intense traffic conditions during rush hour, I wasn’t able to arrive in time for the first band of the night, Portland, Oregon-based Dark Rock trio HOAXED, but I only heard good things about their show even though they were the “lightest” band last night, or the only one that doesn’t play any sort of Black Metal. Formed of Kat Keo on vocals and guitars, April on bass, and Kim Coffel on drums, the band released last year the album Two Shadows, and they played several songs from that album as part of their setlist, so if you’re curious to know more about their music simply visit their BandCamp page or Spotify and you’ll be able to stream all of the creations by those three talented girls.

The Call
Guilty Ones
For Love
The Knowing
High Seas
Candle Master

Band members
Kat Keo – vocals, guitars
April – bass
Kim Coffel – drums 

As I arrived to the venue, everyone was outside having a smoke or getting some not-so-fresh air (as the temperatures in Toronto this beginning of October are hot like summer), a few minutes before one of the two bands I really wanted to see live hit the stage. I’m talking about Portuguese Black Metal entity GAEREA, who put on a breathtaking show blasting our ears and minds with what some people like to call “Cathartic Black Metal”. Having recently released the single Dormant (and sorry about that, but I honestly don’t know if they played it or not), plus of course their 2022 full-length masterpiece Mirage, the band led by the uncanny frontman Guilherme Henriques hypnotized us all during their entire performance, with their new guitarist Sonja Schuringa (known for her work with Dutch Death Metal horde Dictated) bringing an extra touch of energy to their already fiery performance. I’m not sure if I got their setlist right, but it doesn’t really matter as all songs sounded insane live, igniting some sick mosh pits and inspiring Guilherme to keep vociferating like a rabid creature nonstop while showing all his love for Toronto. Everyone at the venue loved their performance, which in my opinion was even better than when they opened for Rotting Christ earlier this year in the city, and we can’t wait for another visit of those bringers of darkness and insanity from Portugal. Hence, don’t forget to stream their cathartic music on BandCamp and on Spotify, supporting one of the most innovative and unique bands of the current extreme music scene.


Band members
Guilherme Henriques – vocals
Sonja Schuringa – guitars
Unknown – guitars
Lucas Ferrand – bass
Diogo Mota – drums 

The third attraction of the night was also the one I wanted to see the most, and let’s say they didn’t disappoint at all; quite the contrary, Adirondack Mountains, New York-based Atmospheric Black Metal horde BLACKBRAID simply stole the show last night, turning up the heat inside the venue and igniting the sickest circle pits you can think of. Spearheaded by the multi-talented frontman Sgah’gahsowáh (growling like a beast and armed with his amazing Native American flute), the band delivered a sensational concert for all attendees, blending songs form their 2022 album Blackbraid I with their most recent effort, the stunning Blackbraid II. The first three songs of their set, The Spirit Returns, The Wolf That Guides the Hunters Hand and Moss Covered Bones on the Altar of the Moon, sounded brilliant live, and as I mentioned for Gaerea, Blackbraid were even better last night than when they opened for Dark Funeral and Cattle Decapitation in Toronto back in May. There was a wild ovation to the band after their concert was over, and we could all see how happy all band members were, meaning we’ll see them again in Toronto sooner than we can imagine. In addition, if you know nothing about Blackbraid yet, I highly recommend streaming their two superb albums on BandCamp and on Spotify. you’ll fall in love for their music, no doubt about that.

The Spirit Returns
The Wolf That Guides the Hunters Hand
Moss Covered Bones on the Altar of the Moon
A Song of Death on Winds of Dawn
Barefoot Ghost Dance on Blood Soaked Soil

Band members
Sgah’gahsowáh – vocals
Y.E. – guitars
Unknown – guitars
DM – bass
Johnny Violence – drums


It was close to 9:30pm when the main attraction of such atmospheric celebration,  Olympia, Washington’s own Atmospheric Black Metal outfit WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM, kicked off their absolutely somber, cryptic and eerie performance, and although they’ve just released a new EP titled Crypt of Ancestral Knowledge they didn’t play any of its songs, starting with a few creations from their previous album Primordial Arcana, from 2021, those being the excellent Mountain Magick and Spirit of Lightning, plus songs from all of their old releases. Nathan Weaver, Kody Keyworth, Galen Baudhuin and Cedar Serpent were on fire throughout their entire set, alternating between very atmospheric, Stygian passages and pure savagery, which of course inspired the crowd to start a few demented circle pits, proving Torontonians like to get into the action even during long, atmospheric songs.

The quartet kept the energy and mystery of their concert flowing smoothly until the very end, when it was already close to 11pm, and the reaction of their fans was also amazing despite the fact that it was getting impossible to remain inside Lee’s Palace due to the rising and brutal heat. As soon as their concert was over I rushed out to avoid traffic as I was still tired from my trip out west, but it was awesome seeing so many metal brothers and sisters at the show, and whenever Wolves in the Throne Room return to Toronto I’ll definitely be there for another blast of their Atmospheric Black Metal. They’re also on BandCamp and on Spotify, of course, and in case you have no idea how their Atmospheric Black Metal sounds, I suggest you listen to some of their albums and get ready for a one-way journey into the pits of the underworld.

Mountain Magick
Spirit of Lightning
Prayer of Transformation
Vastness and Sorrow
I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots

Band members
Nathan Weaver – lead vocals, guitars
Kody Keyworth – guitars, vocals
Galen Baudhuin – bass
Cedar Serpent – drums

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Album Review – Eonian / The Nomad EP (2021)

Raise your horns to the first-class fusion of furious riffs, drums, and vocals with epic choirs and orchestral arrangements carefully brought forth by this international Symphonic Extreme Metal project.


eonian-the-nomad-ep-2021Assembled in 2020 by Manhattan, New York City-based Spanish guitarist Jaume Antuñano, the amazing multinational Symphonic Extreme Metal project that goes by the name of Eonian is set to release their debut EP, entitled The Nomad, a must-have for fans of bands the likes of Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir and Septicflesh. Mixed and mastered by Simone Pietroforte at Divergent Studios, and displaying a classic cover art by Javier Barjollo and a stunning logo designed by Alice Malvisi from Hexibex Design, The Nomad was fully produced online and includes five songs that blend furious riffs, drums, and vocals with epic choirs and orchestral arrangements carefully brought forth by Jaume together with French vocalist DM (Helioss), Italian bassist Francesco Loconte (Koroth, Kormak), Swedish drummer Freddy Ortscheid (Entrails) and Argentinian musician Diego Soldi on all orchestrations, as well as seven other very special guest musicians from all over the world.

A metal storm is about to begin in Winter Wanderer, featuring guest solos by Indian musician Manish Kashyap (Deathknell) and Spanish musician Isaac “Whitefingers” Solanas (Frozen Shield), with Jaume’s riffage and Freddy’s blast beats generating a bold and visceral ambience, all boosted by DM’s infernal roars; whereas living up to the legacy of Symphonic Black Metal the band delivers the imposing Versus The Titan, where the orchestrations by Diego are superb, not to mention the stunning guest violin solo by Russian musician Margarita Chernova. Then a movie-inspired intro grows in intensity until all hell breaks loose in the Dimmu Borgir-like aria Cleansing Fire, featuring a keyboard solo and arrangements by Mexican musician Andrés Samboní (Desvirtual), once again showcasing all the fury of DM on vocals together with the piercing, scorching riffs by Jaume. It’s time for an epic journey with Jaume and his horde in Delirium, offering us all a keyboard solo by Argentinian musician Pablo Pallares (Utópica) and an electric violin solo by Spanish musician Néstor Català (Tales of Gaia), with Francesco, Freddy and Diego generating a beautiful wall of sounds in the background, before the piano solo by Ukrainian musician Polina Chornaya adds a touch of finesse to the thunderous tune Shores Of A Lost Sea, putting a fantastic and climatic ending to the EP with DM roaring and screaming rabidly amidst a top-of-the-line Extreme Metal sonority.

eonian-logoIn a nutshell, the debut EP by Eonian is without a shadow of a doubt a precious gem hailing from the underground of several countries that truly deserves our admiration, and you’ll soon be able to stream it or purchase it from different locations by clicking HERE. Hence, if you want to know more about the team led by Jaume you can start following Eonian on Facebook and on Instagram and click HERE to not only read more about the project, but to also hire each person involved in the creation of The Nomad in case you’re looking for some skillful musicians for your own metal or non-metal endeavor. In a world where we’re all becoming more and more involved with technology yet at the same time isolated from society, it’s always a pleasure to witness guys like Jaume bringing people together in the name of heavy music, providing us fans first-class Extreme Metal and, therefore, pointing to a bright future ahead of the project. And although the name of the EP somehow represents Jaume’s personal and musical life, as if he is the nomad depicted in the album art moving from one place to another, he’s far from being a solitary man in our Heavy Metal universe as you can see.

Best moments of the album: Winter Wanderer and Cleansing Fire.

Worst moments of the album: None.

Released in 2021 Independent

Track listing 
1. Winter Wanderer 4:17
2. Versus The Titan 4:32
3. Cleansing Fire 4:55
4. Delirium 3:37
5. Shores Of A Lost Sea 4:44

Band members
DM – vocals
Jaume Antuñano – guitar
Francesco Loconte – bass
Freddy Ortscheid – drums
Diego Soldi – orchestrations

Guest musicians
Manish Kashyap – guitar solo on “Winter Wanderer”
Isaac “Whitefingers” Solanas – guitar solo on “Winter Wanderer”
Margarita Chernova – violin solo on “Versus The Titan”
Andrés Samboní – keyboard solo and arrangements on “Cleansing Fire”
Pablo Pallares – keyboard solo on “Delirium”
Néstor Català – electric violin solo on  “Delirium”
Polina Chornaya – piano solo on “Shores Of A Lost Sea”